Monday, February 17, 2014

The Post About My Hair

So for friends who have known me for a while, you can obviously tell that my hair has most definitely changed over the past few months. This has a lot to do with the fact that I was fed up with my old hair and needed to do something different. For years I have been trying to grow my hair. I can honestly say that I have been obsessed with growing long hair since I was a little girl. Maybe it was all those princess movies that had girls with long flowing hair ( Pocahontas, Princess Jasmine, Ariel).

I was on a visit to my parent's house after spending a summer in Ohio. I had just gotten another perm and noticed how much shorter my hair was. I was so fed up and mad! I just knew that there had to be a way to solve the issues I felt I was having with my hair. So I got on my mom's tablet and started searching for ways to grow hair, and I happened upon I noticed how healthy the hair was on the women who were on the site. I spent hours pouring over "natural hair" and happened upon videos on YouTube. It was then that I noticed that there was nothing wrong with my hair and should not longer continue trying to hide what God gave me. So, I decided on a day in Early August that I was no longer going to perm my hair anymore. I was going to be happy with what God gave me. I can honestly say that I have never been so happy with my hair, and it was all because I was willing to accept what God gave me.

I am now a year and a half perm free and I feel so much healthier. The change in hair health has also lead to me wanting to change my health in general. I just thank God for getting through to me and helping me see that I am beautiful the way He made me. So, with all this being said I plan to do posts about natural hair, and sharing some of the sites that I have found that have helped me. But for now enjoy these photos of me and my hair :D

What is your hair story? Share them with me!!!

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