Wednesday, October 30, 2013

On being content

So as most of you know I moved to Ohio this summer to be with my fiance'. We really needed the time together before we are married because our whole relationship has been long distance. I was very happy to make the move, and everything went so smoothly that I thought I was going to have a teaching job right away. Doors were opening for me here and I had two interviews, one with a job offer. I knew it was not the job for me so I turned it down. I just knew that I was going to be given a teaching job. The year came upon me and I started subbing in a school district almost an hour away from here. I was frustrated beyond belief. I knew that I needed something that was more consistent. I even contemplated working outside of education. I was going before the Lord and that was wrong of me. An opportunity opened up for a sub aide in a school closer to home. It paid WAY less than what I would make just subbing but I just felt that I should try it out.

My job was a one-on-one aide with two little prekindergarten boys. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I went in and LOVED it! I never thought I would love working in special education. I immediately emailed the lady who books the job and told her I wanted the job for the rest of the year. Well, I have moved up to another position there in the same classroom, and I love working with the team of ladies I work with. The kids are super sweet! I love going to work. I literally wake up happy. I can honestly say that this has never happened before with a job. THANK YOU GOD! He is truly the best. I think He has taught me about faith, yet again, and that not everything is about the money. I truly love what I do. I feel for the first time in my teaching career that I am actually making a difference. I love my job.

And even better news. Timothy and I have finally booked a place for the wedding ceremony and reception. It is final we are getting hitched on May 25, 2014. 5 months and some days from now. Woot woot!

Well I wasn't going to leave you guys without pictures because we did make another trip to Columbus to get all my junk. As always thanks for the prayers. Here ya go. ENJOY!
We just got done with engagement pictures and were going to this awesome restaurant to eat in Chattanooga.

We, well Tim drove a huge Penske truck all the way to Ohio.

Look how awesome Cincinnati looks! 

I had to save goodbye to my childhood home :(

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hair bow giveaway! (closed)

The Mum

It is a very simple giveaway. I am giving away a hair bow of the winner's choice from my shop All you have to do is visit my shop via the link, pick out the hair bow you want, and comment below with your name and email.  Share this link via twitter or Facebook so others can enter. To enter the giveaway you must comment below. I will use the random number generator to pick the three winners. Giveaway ends on Tuesday October 22, 2013. The winner will be announced Wednesday October 23, 2013. Have fun and enter, enter, enter, and share, share share!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I have an Etsy shop!

So, I started crafting as a way to fill my time. I started to realize that it was also relieving my stress. Creating things, using my hands has always been fun for me. I used to sit in my play room as a child and create anything out of paper. I remember times when I used to use my mom's needles and thread to try and create scrunchies. Moving to Ohio has had its challenges. I am sure if you have moved from your home to a new home, you can understand how I feel. I do love my new home, and the time with Tim has been awesome! But with this whole job thing right now, I have been dealing with some frustrations. So, I started to look on Pinterest for some crafting ideas, and I remembered some hair bows I made back in May. I remembered how they helped me relieve stress during my exit exam. I have so much free time on my hands now, I thought it would be a great idea to open a shop so I could continue creating. Well, there you have it, my reason for opening my shop.

Now, I do need the help of my readers in spreading the word about my shop. Below is the link. Share this on your facebook page if you have one friends! Also, I am working on a giveaway, so stay posted! I am still working on getting it all spiffed up, so bare with me. And as always, your prayers are appreciated :)